Where does the time go? Never thought I'd end up taking a 2 month hiatus from blogging, but that is certainly how it's turned out. Cameron already hit the 3 month mark...wow! Life is wonderful having 2 babies at home...not that you can really call Walker a baby anymore - oops! Nonetheless, 2 certainly takes more time than 1! For the past couple of months, I've given myself a break from blogging in an effort to work on adjusting to 2 and trying to work on our household running more smoothly, an ongoing project for me.

Simplemom is kicking off a 2 week Spring Cleaning party today, and that was a great impetus for me to jump back in - before & after pictures always help keep me motivated! We've had a good bit of company in the past weeks, so our house has been relatively neat, but I am a clutterbug, so there are always a few too many piles. I'm hoping that these next 2 weeks will get me a little closer to maintaining our house in a company-ready state...here we go! Today's task was to simply get rid of the trash &/or things that need to be given away...
My baking cabinet is where I keep my cookbooks/recipes & it has long been out-of-control - you could hardly get the flour out without an avalanche of recipes hitting the floor. It was definitely time to work on this one!

After (yea!) I can't wait to hear what Brad has to say the next time he opens up this cabinet! The top 2 shelves still need some work, but at least it's now easy to access things on the bottom one.

My jewelry armoire is my favorite bedroom catch-all...drives me crazy, yet again & again it gets covered up - must have something to do with being out of reach of toddler hands!

The baker's rack...ahh...another nemesis of mine. Would hate to even think about how many times I've cleaned this puppy off and vowed to not let it get this way again...ahem...

The bottom still looks a bit chaotic, but that's because we keep a crate of Walker's books & some little people for him to play with in the kitchen/dining area...it gets pulled out daily & played with, and since it really isn't the problem here, I didn't even touch it today...it's my junk that's a problem on this piece! I do need to look for a more closed basket/tote to store them in so they aren't quite so visible!

The bar seems to collect all sorts of things - Brad and I are both guilty of coming in the door & dropping any & everything right here...seems like it might be time for the Christmas reindeer salt&pepper shakers to be put away...you think? ;)

This little spot on the counter was meant to be a good snack launching point, but quickly spiraled out of control...

Ah - the bench...a gathering spot for all things headed downstairs...and/or extra baby gear...

Yea - I feel like major progress has been made, and overwhelming, it has not been. Can't wait to see what the next 2 weeks bring! I won't promise to blog every day, but I will try to keep up as much as I can...we'll see! And now I leave you with the cutest little toesies you've ever seen!