I'm a little on the slow side so far today - LOL - it's been busy, what can I say? AND - I did make it to the Y this morning to exercise - yea me! Had originally planned to skip today's WFMW, but when I saw the "reverse" topic, just couldn't resist!
1. CROCKPOT recipes - and for real - I welcome
any & all help here! I love the idea of using my crockpot on a regular basis, but other than doing a pot roast & carrots, potatoes & onions or a whole chicken (again, probably with carrots, potatoes & onions) - I just struggle...it seems like everything so easily turns to mush and just all tastes the same. So if any of you out there in blogger land have any super yummy crock recipes...please let me know, 'cause I would SO love for my crockpot to work for me!!
2. COUPONS - I want to make these work...I do...really, I do...I love clipping coupons, in fact, it's the only reason we take the Sunday paper! Anyway...far too often they're only for "name" brands - we use lots of generic brands and then so often they just never make it to the store with me, or I end up with so many that I can never find the one I actually need to/could use. I've seen all kinds of "intense" binder systems for storing myriads of coupons...just havn't ever found a system that works for me...and so, consequently, there are coupons all over my baker's rack - both clipped & unclipped that are probably eventually destined for the trash!
Well - that's it for now...may add a little more after dinner, but at least this is a start! Head on over to
Rocks in My Dryer for more great ideas to avoid! LOL