Yesterday afternoon Brad called and said a GC had a check ready for us to pick up, so after Walker got up from his nap, I decided to give him a quick snack and then head out to pick up the check. I got out an apple & cinnamon cereal bar (one of his favorites) and decided to give it to him whole - something he also loves - I could tell immediately that it was going to be cute, so I grabbed the camera, snapped a few pics and started filming. Hope you'll enjoy - if you have enough patience to stick around all the way to the end of the video, you can hear him talking to the outside world - so cute!
Ooooh...love his MTV snacktime video!! He is such a cutie pie!
He is such a cutie...he was the same way with his piece of pizza Saturday night! :) Glad we got to see the bug this weekend!!
I enjoyed watching the video!! He's such a cute and sweet little grandson. See you later this week! Love!
Ummmm, Jodi? This is Julie Hatchell. Well, Julie LeMaster now. Remember me? I randomly came across your blog. I have one too. Your family is adorable. If you want to catch up email me at jlemaster@gmail.com and I will send you the link to our blog. So glad I found you. And I can't wait to hear from you!!!!
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