I've been a busy girl already this morning - up and at 'em @ 5:40 - exercised at the Y - helped hubby clean out the car (much overdue) - raked up some leaves outside - started laundry - and am getting stuff off my desk in my office - woo hoo! So, as a mini-celebration, thought I'd take a few moments and post some pics from our family vacation back in August - also long overdue, but there's just not enough time in the day!

We spent a wonderful week at the beach with my family, which meant lots of adults to help spread the load of 2 babies about - definitely makes for more of a vacation! Cousin Alexa LOVES LOVES LOVES all things water - Walker's not quite as sure - he is definitely a very cautious child!

We also spen
t a day at the SC Aquarium - Alexa enjoyed the fish and animals - Walker enjoyed the escalator, steps & play ship they had - imagine that! The escalator only went up, which drove him crazy! We tried for "together pics" all week long, but at least one


usually wasn't cooperative!

I was quite excited that they had a tank with lots of starfish in it - one of W's books has a little song about starfish set to "twinkle, twinkle" and we sing it often - he did seem to enjoy looking at them! That was near the beginning of the visit, just after coming out of the stroller before he really found the steps...that was pretty much the end of it for him! :) A few more from the aquarium and then on to the beach!

I do love my boys!
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