I've been a bit behind in posting Walker pics lately, so thought I'd share a few tonight...more Halloween pics are on the way later this week.

Walk-walk showing off his giraffe costume for this year - he loves it!

Definitely a fan of a phone

Tailgating for the Clemson game 2 weeks ago

Enjoying the car buggy @ Ingles

Back at the beginning of Oct, one day at nap time, Walker looked at our bed and said "big bed, big bed, big bed" in the most pitiful voice - as I carried him to his crib, he continued to ask for the big bed - as we passed by the nursery-to-be headed to his crib, he saw the guest bed and again said "big bed, big bed, big bed" - I put him in the crib and he cried and cried. I cleaned off the guest bed and he happily took his nap in the "big bed" and hasn't been back in the crib since.

Last weekend, we moved the crib out of Walker's room and into the nursery-to-be...right at the end of the bed he'd been sleeping in. Suddenly the crib was appealing again and at the end of nap time Fri and on Sat morning, we found all the buddies in the crib...and Walker wanting to be in the crib...

then Sat afternoon we found all of the buddies in the crib & Walker and lovey sleeping on the floor by the crib...so stinkin' cute!
That's so cute! My son has a giraffe costume for next year.
The giraffe costume is SO cute! Yeah I have been thinking about the big bed thing for Jasper too but haven't done it yet...
Wow...that is incredibly cute! Poor little guy just wants to have it all, crib AND big boy bed! So sweet!
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