My husband and I were talking about housework a few weeks ago, and my lack of affinity for it...and he said...I think you need to post pics on your blog more often of your problem spots...does he know me or what? I didn't say much and he then accused me of not thinking it was a good idea because it came from him...I was like - oh no...it's too good of an idea...and I know that it will help hold me accountable, I'm just not sure I want that much accountability! LOL

So here we are...this has got to be one of the worst resident hot spots in my house. I don't know what happens...I determine that I will keep all the junk off, and before you know it - it's covered again, and I'm the one who did the covering! Ugh..

In order to help keep the process moving along, and me on track, I decided to use my handy-dandy timer and see how quickly I could work. I started with 15 mins...and by the time it went off, the baker's rack was mostly cleaned off and ready to go, except for the piles of misc stuff then sitting on my kitchen table...so I reset it and continued to work...

And was able to finish in great fashion with almost 5 mins left...and - no piles lingering in other places in my house - I think I truly managed to deal with everything on it, and moved it to the place it belongs (and threw away a bunch of junk!)

Voila -now if I can just manage to be disciplined and keep it this way...I'll have to do some periodic update photos just to keep me on my toes! If you've got housework (or any other project) that needs to get done - just tackle it, blog it & then head over to
5minutesformoms and link up your post - I don't know about you, but in some areas, I need all the encouragement I can get! Happy Tuesday!
It looks so great after your short cleaning session!
My hot spot is my island in the kitchen, it's near the door, and everything gets dropped there. And each time, I swear I'm going to do better. Hopefully one of these days, I will!
You are the second person today that uses a timer. It sure helps with time management because that is a great tackle.
WOW! What an improvement!
Awesome before and after. Doesn't it feel so good to get things cleared off? It looks so good, too! I am also notorious for my little hot spot in my kitchen (which I actually had as part of my tackle today). It's truly amazing what we can get done in just 15 minutes if we just do it and stay focused!
Oh I'm with you--I've been cleaning up the mess here for two days straight. Finally I'm getting somewhere!
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