Sorry there was no post for last week...I really do have a good reason...really....so last Saturday, March 1, Brad and I had planned to go volunteer at a workday at church for the morning, so we arranged for Walker to spend the night with MiMi & Pop to make that easier....well, Fri evening the little fella came down with a virus that both Aunt Sylvia & MiMi got to witness up close & personal, if you know what I mean...we ended up scrapping our volunteering plans in case we needed to go pick the little fella up and take him to the doctor...thankfully after an easy breakfast Sat morning, all appeared to be okay. We picked W up Sat afternoon and spent the rest of the day together as a family and then also spent an easy Sunday together as well...we ended up keeping W home from church just in case there was still anything going on with him. Well, Sun night, as I was downstairs taking the pics of the scrapbook pages below, all of the sudden I felt funny...throw-up funny...all was more or less okay until about 11 PM when Brad and I both were hit full force with OH NO - I'll spare you all the ugly details, but let's just say the bathroom had a revolving door on it that night and it was definitely one of the longest nights of my life. I haven't felt THAT BAD in I can't even begin to tell you how long...thankfully, I was able to lay around the house most of the day Monday...bless Brad's heart, he had to go to 1 or 2 jobsites and do some other office work, but he was also able to have an early afternoon and we were both able to just rest and recover. We then spent the rest of the week playing catch-up and also trying to get our stomachs reaquainted with food...it was a very bland food week!
This past weekend we took it nice and easy...I had a volunteer meeting at NewSpring for a conference that we're hosting this coming Thurs - I'm super excited about the opportunity to volunteer for the day! My boys chauffeured me down to Anderson and then did a Sam's run while I was at my meeting...then we checked on a few jobsites, grabbed some lunch and headed home for a lazy afternoon. Sunday, we were thankfully well enough to be back in church, and Brad and I both volunteered for the first time...which was very cool. Brad tried out ushering and I observed Children's Check-In. We're both excited about getting plugged in and volunteering in preparation for the Greenville campus opening - if you want to check out the construction progress, click here. Looks like the campus will be opening late summer/early fall - we are so excited!!
Thanks for stopping by - hope you enjoy the pics! Take a minute to leave a comment - we'd love to know you were here! Have a wonderful week!! And now for the rest of the pics!

Oh the giggles...

Me, smile for the camera???

Oh yes...I can hold my fork and my cup at the same time!!! No need to slow down for milk!

I'm a big boy - I can feed myself...

This was Walker running back and forth from outside to inside carrying one of his "pots".

So why is it that every toy needs to be climbed on? Walker discovered that he could knock his car garage over and climb in it a different way...he was so mad when I tried to stand it back up the correct way!
Definitely bedtime!
What a cutie...I love the pic of their feet too!! :) Love you bunches, and can't wait to see you all soon! :)
Hey there! Walker looks like a little boy feeding himself and running around the house. So sorry y'all got a yucky virus; that sounds terrible! I'll be glad for springtime and to leave the winter with its possible colds and illnesses behind!
Such a busy busy boy! I love the pic of the "boys" feet too! I can't wait to see Walker buddy again - maybe Thursday!
Love to you all!
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