This is just a random shot from us playing around in the den this morning.

Yesterday I had a major house straightening/work accomplishing day - as part of that, I cleaned a bunch of junk off of a useless wire shelf in my office and instead moved Walker's table to that spot. He LOVES being in the office with me while I'm working, so I'm hoping to begin to make use of that time.

This morning he was so interested to see that his table had been moved and started asking for the crayons that were up on my other bookshelf. He sat down and started drawing so intently. We haven't done a lot with crayons yet, so they're still somewhat new to him, but he seemed to really enjoy himself this morning. When we were through, we took his drawing downstairs and hung it up in Papa's office. Love it!

Another big thing recently has been drinking out of a grown-up cup - I've been putting a little ice water in a mug for him and letting him practice - that boy sure does love water!

So proud of himself!
What a sweetie pie! Alexa has started coloring too, but she likes pens, and the table most of the time. I'm going to get her some of the color wonder paper so she can't hurt anything else!
He is so gorgeous!
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