I don't know about you, but I LOVE pizza...I could eat it at least weekly, and probably several times weekly and never get tired of it - or at least not for a very long time! As anyone knows, pizza, even delivery, can get pricey if you like to eat it as often as I do or have a big family. Enter homemade pizza!
I was determined that we'd eat all 3 meals at home this past Sat (and we did!!), but in order to make that happen, mid-morning Saturday, I ended up throwing together the ingredients for pizza dough in our breadmaker. I love making pizza this way - 1 1/2 hours in the bread machine (read almost no work for me)...roll out the dough, add sauce, toppings & cheese and then a quick waltz through the oven and voila - we're ready to eat!
Being the think-ahead-gal that I am (well, sometimes at least!) - I made a double recipe of dough - cut the extra into pizza sized hunks for later, and popped it in the freezer. Now if we want pizza for lunch during the week (like I did on Tues), I can pull out a dough-ball in the morning, let it thaw, and then have homemade pizza with almost no effort for lunch.
This one definitely works for me! And best of all, my little guy was more than happy to enjoy pizza with me! For more great WFMW ideas, head on over and check out Rocks in my Dryer!
And - if you have an easy, delicious pizza dough recipe - let me know! I like the one I'm using okay (I like it better than DH does) - but would sure love to have a better one! Thanks!
Made my mouth water! I should eat breakfast. I am still in mourning over the loss of our Veggietales plate. It broke. Anyways... Thanks for stopping by katymom! Don't forget to check back Friday...
I gave my breadmaker to my MIL when we moved to our itty-bitty seminary apartment. Is there any (easy) way to make the dough without a breadmaker? Because I would love to be able to make pizza whenever I craved it (which is approximately every 1.8 days).
I love homemade pizza! There's a good crust recipe over at the site "Tammy's Recipes" that I use. I've also heard that Trader Joe's makes a good pizza dough, although I haven't tried that yet.
BTW, I don't have a bread machine. I make my dough with my Kitchenaid mixer.
Thanks for the pizza idea. I also noticed that you had a link to New Spring. We prefer a conservative worship, but Just wanted to send out greetings from Anderson/Belton.
We too love homemade pizza in the bread machine. Great idea making a double batch and freezing it. I've never tried that before, but think I will! Thanks a bunch!!
Thanks for the comment on my blog!
I love to make homemade pizza, too, but I don't have a breadmaker. I make my dough in my Kitchen Aid mixer, though, so it saves a little work (I don't have to knead). The freezing-the-dough idea, though, is a great one!
Whenever we don't have dough (or I don't have time to make it), I make pizza quesadillas (the same as regular quesadillas but with a little pizza sauce and pepperoni added in) or pizza sandwiches (same as grilled cheese but with a little sauce and pepperoni) -- those are quick fixes, too!
We invested in a pizza stone for our over about a year back, and it's paid itself over a million times! Not only is the pizza much cheaper, but it has the quality of gourmet pizza at a nice restaurant. I don't have a breadmaker, but the dough is fairly easy to make and easy to freeze for later!
you have a very cute little boy....and about that pizza....easy, yum, i like the reminder to do simple like that more often. makes life easier!
I love pizza also. I could eat it several times a week as well. I knew I should have held onto that bread machine that I never used.
Excuse me missy...when are you having us over for homemade pizza?? :) Looks delicious! Love you all...swimming Saturday??
I've been thinking about trying this in my breadmaker,and now you've convinced me! :)
Thanks for the comment at my blog!
I love doing pizza dough in the breadmachine too! I usually do a double batch twice around...so I have enough dough for my family of 7. I usually make 3 pizzas and then the 4 pizza turns into cheesy bread! :) I roll the extra dough(4th pizza) flat and smear softened butter over it then add garlic powder and parmesan cheese on top and cook it just like my pizzas.
Oh just in case your bread machine dies....here is a recipe that doesn't use a breadmachine that is really good! :)
I would love to have that pizza sitting in front of me right now! I'm a pizza addict. When you freeze the pizza, do you wrap it in foil or put it in a ziploc?
That looks yummy. We are cutting back on eating out too. But, I almost croaked when I saw the grocery bill this week. But still better than eating out. Love pozza. Thanks for the idea.
Confessions of an Apron Queen: http://anapronaday.blogspot.com
We love pizza, too. Thanks for the reminder that I can make the dough in my bread machine!
We love pizza too, and I try to do that every Friday. I make the dough in the mixer, though. Sometimes I will make extra dough and make some cinnamon thingies to go with.
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Yummm...I've been craving pizza for a couple of weeks. I even bought cheese for it, but we ended up using it for something else. :( Definitely have to go out and buy more!!
We looooove pizza, too. I've also been toying with the idea of making my own bread, so I'm really curious about your bread maker. It sounds easy. Thanks for the tips!
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