Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Removing the Eyesore - TT

Monday, November 24, 2008
Christmas Planning - 4 Weeks & Counting

Photo by krisdecurtis
Yikes - not much happened Christmas related around here last week at all...guess that's what happens when you have a 2 year old, a business, embroider on the side and try to keep a house straight! Truth be told - last week was just a tiring week...B has been waking up most mornings between 4 & 5 and is then out the door sometime between 5 & 6 - even going to bed at 9:30 several nights didn't seem to be enough sleep for me! However...I'll give it another goal this week!
Christmas Goals 11/24 -11/30
- gather Christmas craft/wrapping - still need to hit a few more places
- keep an eye on Craig's List for 2 possible presents - I've actually been doing this consistently, just haven't found anything I'm happy with yet!
- make major progress on Christmas dish towels - this is go week for this one!
- sew W & A Christmas tees
- try Christmas pic
- buy Christmas stamps
- think through decorations - where to hang garland
- think through Christmas "schedule"
- gift list made - several gifts purchased
- holiday budget tweaked
- purchased replacement Christmas tree lights (that we unfortunately did need) LOL
- purchased gift cards & World Vision gifts on Christmas list
- moved Trigger downstairs
- work on Christmas card list - finally (though it will probably still have some tweaks!)
- tree up - burnt out lights replaced
- gather Christmas craft supplies - partial
- transfer Christmas Club $$ into Savings Account so that it doesn't get mixed into regular spending
- get recipe for Fruit Cake cookies from MaMa
- check wrapping supplies
- design Christmas tee for W & A - both planned
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Etsy Alert

I've now found out that she also has an Etsy store - so I couldn't resist checking it out - so many cute things! I'm particularly a sucker for fabric - and she has several unique Japanese fabrics that look so different from what is available here. And how stinkin' cute is this little Space Kadet - love him! Bibs, Christmas goodies, patterns/sewing kits, notebooks, buttons - the store truly lives up to the name - all so fun to look through and peruse! So take a minute and head on over for a gander...hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I did!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Giveaway Alert

Kailani over at Island Life is hosting a great giveaway for these adorable growth charts from Olive Kids! There are so many cute ones to choose from! I don't know about you, but I had great plans of getting started early on keeping track of Walker's growth on some kind of chart, door - something. I can remember my grandparents marking a wall at their house when we were growing up for all of us grandkids - seems so precious! But as it is prone to do, time marches on - W is now over 2 and measured 36" at his 2 year check-up and still no marking has been done. I'd love to win this giveaway, but if I don't, may have to give some serious thought to buying one anyway, as it's time to get busy recording his progress! Make sure you head over and check it out when you get a minute!
WFMW - Free Mr. Yuk Stickers

Last year about this time I spoke to a friend of mine whom I hadn't seen for several weeks and she related their family's latest news...just a few days before she'd made an impromptu trip to the ER with her youngest, then just over a year old. You see, they had only recently moved into her grandmother's (furnished) house and unbeknownst to all, there was a box of rat poison lurking behind a sofa in the sun room. One evening, she walked in to find the finger/footprints of her two boys T (4) and Z (1) in the dust from the poison. She immediately began to feel the panic well up inside of her, but managed to stay calm as she and her husband interrogated T to find out if he had eaten any. He swore that he hadn't and as there was no evidence (coloration around his mouth) he stayed at home with his dad while she whisked little Z to the emergency room. Thankfully - all was okay - no p0ison had been eaten, the box was subsequently disposed of and everyone was safe.
Within a week of hearing her story, I saw a spot on TV talking about Poison Control and that most ER visits for poisonings can actually be avoided with a quick call to Poison Control - hearing that piece of info so close on the heels of her story etched it indelibly on my brain. They said for the most part, the Poison Control operators can assess the situation with the info you provide them and give you the best course of action - typically faster than you can even get to the ER - which could definitely save a life in a desperate situation! I immediately wrote down the number and have made sure to store it in my cell phone, computer contacts and in my home management notebook.

I really hadn't thought about Mr. Yuk in years until I had a baby - I remember him from my childhood, remember the stickers well - and have often wondered where those stickers ever came from, did they still exist, and if so - where do you get them now? I never have thought about it at the right time, though and then today, in doing a little blog surfing, ran across a post Whitney had done that linked to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburg and come to find out - they're the creators of Mr. Yuk. And even better - to get a free sheet of Mr. Yuk stickers, all you have to do is send a self-addressed stamped business size envelope to:
Pittsburgh Poison Center
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
3705 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-2583
I immediately grabbed a couple of envelopes, addressed them and they're now stamped and ready to go out in the morning and I encourage you to do the same! Not only are these stickers free, but they could save the life of one of your loved ones (or you!) and you certainly can't put a price on that! For more great WFMW ideas, head on over to Rocks in my Dryer!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Embroider even if you don't have a fancy-schmancy machine!

Unless you're super artistic/creative, I recommend starting out by creating a template - you can hand-draw one, copy a simple clip art, stitch one out, it really doesn't matter, you just need to have a starting point. I'm not much of an artist, so a simple template is a must for me! I stitched out my candy cane template and then trimmed it down leaving roughly a 1/8" allowance around the stitching.
Next, choose a fabric that you'd like to use for your applique. I chose this stripey one as it does remind me of candy canes!
Next cut a square of fabric that will comfortably encompass your template. I hate to waste fabric so I tend to cut the absolute smallest square possible, but sometimes that means it really is too small - so don't overly kill yourself trying to cut the perfect piece of fabric - my theory is it's better for it to be a little wasteful rather than to definitely be wasteful when I have to cut a second piece! Also - if your fabric has a "direction" - make sure that you cut it so that you can orient your template the desired direction on the fabric.
Now cut a piece of iron-on adhesive- I used this HeatnBond that I found at Walmart (make sure you get the kind that is sewable - not all of them are). Cut it the same size as your fabric & iron it onto the WRONG side of the fabric (leaving the paper backing on the adhesive) according to manufacturer instructions.
I usually keep a piece of paper on my ironing board so that if there's any excess adhesive (my 2 squares are never the exact same size) it gets stuck to the paper and not my board.
Now trim your piece of applique fabric (with adhesive paper attached) to your template. I'm not super artistic, so a template is a necessity for me...but if you are, you can also freehand your shape at this point...just remember that the more intricate your shape is, the more intricate your stitching will be. For me, simple is best.
Next, place your trimmed fabric on the item you want to applique - you can use a onesie or tee, dish towel, pillowcase, tote - the possibilities are really endless! For this project, I chose a pillowcase. Again following manufacturer directions, iron your applique fabric onto your item.
Next place your item on your machine and stitch the applique fabric down taking into account the fabric allowance you added earlier (I used 1/8"). The adhesive will help keep the fabric from fraying, but stitching inside the 1/8th inch also helps keep the fabric completely adhered to the item.
At this point, your item is appliqued - feel free to embellish it with ribbon, buttons, ric rac, etc. After looking at my pic I realized that you couldn't really see the red stitching holding the candy cane down, so I went back and restitched it in black.
I am fortunate enough to have an embroidery machine, so I am adding my little guy's name so that he'll have a festive Christmas pillowcase to use now that he's moved to a big boy bed.
I don't want to give away too much, as I'm giving embroidered items as several gifts, but here are a few of my other Christmas embroidery projects:
Santa with dangly feet (legs made of ribbon)
Christmas truck with tree - I need to get buttons sewn on in the middle of the wheels, but haven't gotten around to it yet! I think that would make it even cuter!
Santa frog - he's one of my favorites!
Christmas Planning - 5 Weeks & Counting

Photo by tanakawho
Just over 5 weeks to Christmas - last week flew by and I didn't get much of anything Christmas-y done. Brad has been stuck on a jobsite for the past two weeks so that has greatly impacted the flow of things both here on the homefront & in the office. I have big plans for today & this week, however - and hope to get a lot accomplished!
Christmas Accomplishments
- gift list made - several gifts purchased
- holiday budget tweaked
- purchased replacement Christmas tree lights (that we unfortunately did need) LOL
- purchased gift cards & World Vision gifts on Christmas list
- moved Trigger downstairs
- work on Christmas card list - finally (though it will probably still have some tweaks!)
- tree up - burnt out lights replaced
- gather Christmas craft supplies - partial
- transfer Christmas Club $$ into Savings Account so that it doesn't get mixed into regular spending
- get recipe for Fruit Cake cookies from MaMa
- check wrapping supplies
- design Christmas tee for W & A - both planned
- gather Christmas craft/wrapping - still need to hit a few more places
- keep an eye on Craig's List for one possible present - still looking!
- make major progress on Christmas dish towels
- sew W & A Christmas tees
- try Christmas pic
- buy Christmas stamps
- think through decorations - where to hang garland
- think through Christmas "schedule"
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Spend a little - Give a lot

Are you looking for a way to give a little extra this holiday season? Spend 5 minutes, $5 dollars and make a huge difference in the lives of 2 people - your $5 buys 2 pairs of shoes!
soles4souls is a fantastic charity in nashville that has one mission: get shoes to people who need shoes. Over 300 million people around the world don’t have shoes and are forced to walk around unsafe and in potentially life-threatening conditions. Not only is it unsafe physically, but having to look down all the time causes these people to also live without dignity and confidence. I went on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic when I was in 7th grade and I will never forget seeing adults and children walking around with bare feet - oftentimes in and through raw sewage. Unsanitary to say the least!
And not only can you help 2 (or more) people with your donation - you just might get to do it in person! That's right...
One person (and their guest) will be chosen at random to hand deliver the shoes they purchased on a soles4souls trip to Mexico. Can you imagine handing someone their very first pair of shoes? What an incredible experience!
So as we approach this holiday season, take a minute & send shoes to someone in need - involve your kids, skip coffee, a snack or one meal out - it only takes $5!! Check out 50000SHOES.COM for more info!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Birthday Party Fun
He loved this little car and we both thought he looked so cute in it - unfortunately the pedals were way out at the front and his cute little legs just wouldn't reach - Papa made it go for him for a bit, but that wasn't much fun for Papa! This pregnant girl was happy to be behind the camera! :)
We were a little surprised, but W loved going after the pinata - in fact, after taking several good swings and then another couple kids taking a turn, he managed to grab the bat and give it a 2nd go. Hard to explain to a 2 year old that it isn't his turn anymore!
W was off playing when cake was first served - while all the other kids were still occupied with the pinata, he meandered over to the kids' table & started devouring several half eaten pieces of cake. I quickly cut him a piece, which he ate, then a 2nd piece - evidently that just wasn't enough, as the other kids' pieces still got quite a bit of attention!
And then wouldn't you know - 10 or so minutes later, he ate a good bit of Brad's piece of cake!
Definitely a great party - thanks Zach and Thomas for letting us celebrate with you!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A little behind on Halloween
WFMW - Live Within Your Harvest

Photo by tanakawho
As the Christmas season approaches, I think it's super easy for all of us to get a little glassy-eyed and caught up in the rush of the season and overspend ourselves into a deep hole, that we then spend some large portion of next year climbing out of. Let this year be different!
I've always heard the term "live within your means" - I recently saw a plaque with a phrase I like even better "live within your harvest" - what a beautiful picture! The American culture teaches us to always want MORE, MORE, MORE (hello consumerism) but to be a good steward of what we have, we've all got to learn to say NO and to live within the boundaries of our individual lives, whatever they may be! It's okay to try and enlarge those boundaries (within reason), but if you never get your spending under control, you'll always want more, no matter if you make $20,000 $200,000 or $2,000,000. It's easy to say that if you made $150,000 a year you'd be satisfied, but the truth is, there are a lot of people making $150,000 that spend $175,000 every year and have a big pile of credit card debt to make up the difference!
So this year, especially with the flurry of Christmas spending that is already/getting ready to take place, I encourage you to set some guidelines for yourself:
- set a reasonable Christmas budget and abide by it (beyond Christmas, make a monthly budget - Dave Ramsey is a great resource!)
- stay away from certain stores where self-control/restraint is difficult (ie the mall -I literally probably go to the mall less than 5 times a year, and 2 of those times are to get my engagement ring inspected)
- shop online - use online tools to find the best deals and bargains - Meg has a great WFMW post on this very issue today - couldn't have said it better myself!
- get creative & go homemade for Christmas - several bloggers are working together on the "holidays by hand" festival - check it out and get inspired!
- tell your kids (or other relatives) NO - kids don't have to have 10 presents to have a great Christmas - I know several families whose kids get 3 presents, just like Jesus did - what a great model!
- use coupons - I've bought many a Christmas present using Bed, Bath & Beyond 20% off coupons - this year I've bought at least 1 gift from ACMoore using a 55% off coupon they had in the paper a few weeks back
- do a family name swap with your extended family and buy for 1 family member instead of 12
- do all cash for Christmas - refuse to use the plastic - you'll thank me in January (and on into the rest of the year) when you don't have a big pile of debt to recover from
- don't believe the lies that Hollywood & advertising try to sell us - you don't need a pair of $250 boots to prove your worth - when you see commercials, print ads, etc. think about and through the lies that the advertisers are selling and then DON'T BUY THEM! We use a DVR for most shows that we watch, so we see few commercials to begin with- certainly helps cut down on the "wants"! (Start challenging your kids to see through it too - I know a family who plays "Spot the Lie" with their kids when a commercial comes on TV "Kids - what are they telling us?" "that abc cereal will make me happy" "Does abc cereal make you a happy person?" etc.)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Christmas Planning - 6 Weeks & Counting

Photo by galfred
Just over 6 weeks to Christmas - the last few weeks have just slipped by, but six weeks starts to feel very real!
Christmas Accomplishments
- gift list made - several gifts purchased
- holiday budget tweaked
- purchased replacement Christmas tree lights (that we unfortunately did need) LOL
- purchased gift cards & World Vision gifts on Christmas list
- moved Trigger downstairs
- work on Christmas card list - finally (though it will probably still have some tweaks!)
- tree up - burnt out lights replaced
- gather Christmas craft supplies - partial
- transfer Christmas Club $$ into Savings Account so that it doesn't get mixed into regular spending
- get recipe for Fruit Cake cookies from MaMa
- check wrapping supplies
- design Christmas tee for W & A - both planned - now I just need to start sewing!
- gather Christmas craft supplies - still need to hit a few more places
- pick up additional wrapping supplies (tissue paper, ribbon)
- keep an eye on Craig's List for one possible present - still looking!
- make major progress on Christmas dish towels
- sew W & A Christmas tees
- Christmas card pic
- Christmas stamps
- think through decorations
- think through Christmas "schedule"
Friday, November 7, 2008
Christmas Giveaway Alert

As I've been reading along, I've run across several great giveaways (both current & ongoing) right now and wanted to pass the word along! 5 Minutes for Mom is hosting an entire Christmas Giveaway Event with 25+ giveaways during the month of November. If you don't already subscribe to their feed, go over and check them out - they will do individual posts throughout the month for each individual contest - you can also check out this post for both the contest rules and an updated list of all the contests they add as they get added (you have to scroll down to the very end to see the list...) Now on to some other great looking giveaways!

So there you go - a few lovely giveaways going on! Of course, I'd love to win any of these, but if it can't be me...maybe it can be you! So go - go enter now! And enjoy some giveaway magic leading up to the Christmas season!