My Aunt Marian introduced all of us to this ultra easy, super delicious recipe awhile back and I couldn't resist passing it along! I'll include the recipe for the meatballs themselves, though I have to confess that I keep a bag of frozen meatballs (italian style) at the ready in my freezer at all times - have I mentioned that Sam's is one of my favorite places to shop? I can say that I did make the meatballs from scratch
once and it is a very yummy's just by the time you cover them with all of this sauce goodness, I don't think you can tell much of a difference with the premade ones...and for me, the beauty of this recipe is the ability to throw it together in
no time flat!

Meatballs -
mix together and roll into small balls:
- 1 c bread crumbs
- 2 1/2 lbs ground beef
- 3 eggs
- 1 pkg. dry onion soup mix

- 1 can whole cranberry sauce (not the gel stuff!)
- 1 (15-20oz) can sauerkraut
- 1 bottle chili sauce (condiment aisle near the ketchup & cocktail sauce)
- 1 empty chili bottle of water
- 1/2 c brown sugar
When mixing the sauce, I find it easiest to start with the chili sauce, water & brown sugar - mix til dissolved. Then add the cranberry sauce, mix it in thoroughly. I use a whisk up until this point. Mix the sauerkraut in last - you don't have to follow this order, but I find it makes it much easier to get the sauce truly homogenized!

Spread meatballs (I use them frozen, straight from the freezer) to cover lasagna pan - I think it's a 10x14.

Cover with the sauce. Bake at 350 degress for 2-2 1/2 hours. You can also use a crockpot, but I find the oven to be much nicer. It makes a much thicker, richer sauce.

So when you need a quick, go-to recipe - give this one a try! Even if sauerkraut or cranberries aren't your thing...try it anyway - once the sauce comes together, you really can't distinguish any of the individual ingredients. Goes great with mashed potatoes! Enjoy!